La plongée pour gérer ses émotions

Who is it for?

For anyone, diver or not, who wishes to :

Lowering the pressure

You wish to learn how to manage your stress, whether it is punctual (an exam to prepare), more chronic (overload of activities, pressure...) or simply because you feel that it is urgent to lower the pressure and take care of yourself.

A return to diving

You had a first experience of diving that was not very satisfactory or you have not been diving for a long time. You are apprehensive about trying again and would like to try again in privileged and personalised conditions.

Combating stress and anxiety

You are going through difficult times (anxiety, high stress...). You have already made various attempts. You want to start letting go and anchor a real change through a strong sensory experience to overcome yourself and regain confidence.

A change of scenery

You want a really effective break from your daily routine. You want to experience a change of scenery without having to go on holiday.

Why can diving help you?

BATHYSMED® dives, which are accessible to all, are an innovative method to prevent and fight stress effectively.

The soothing power of immersion automatically leads to physiological changes (slower breathing, lower heart rate, etc.), resulting in increased relaxation, awareness of one's sensations and letting go. As a result, an exercise performed underwater has a greater effect on stress than the same exercise on the surface.

The diver has a unique experience of diving, with a heightened perception of his sensations and the underwater world.

Overview of a dive

Each dive is a personalized experience and together we will share :

A time of relaxation on the surface to start the relaxation

A gentle immersion on an adapted background followed by sensory and playful exercises to focus on your sensations

An exploration to enjoy the underwater environment

An " after-dive " of exchanges around the sensations felt

To meet me

69003 Lyon

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